The Native Council of Nova Scotia is the self-governing authority for the large community of Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal peoples residing off-reserve in Nova Scotia throughout traditional Mi’kmaq territory. Our goal is to operate and administer a strong and effective Aboriginal Peoples Representative Organization that serves, advocates and represents our community.

Our Goal:
To operate and administer a Community organized Aboriginal Peoples Representative Organization with required infrastructures to:
- Advocate and represent the interests of our NCNS Community of Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples who continue to reside on traditional Mi’kmaq Territory in Nova Scotia not displaced to Indian Act reserves;
- Influence and interface with all levels of governments as the “voice to the Councils of Governments”;
- Develop strong, skilled Aboriginal leadership;
- Encourage and assist our Community of Aboriginal Peoples civic participation and inclusion in Canadian society at the National, Provincial and local level;
- Develop relationships with government and societal institutions to influence policy, program development and government decision making.
The Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples of Nova Scotia who continue to reside on the traditional ancestral home lands off-reserve — the NCNS Community of Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples, enrolled with the NCNS in accordance with the NCNS Citizenship
Enrollment Process.
How We Help:
Advocate for Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples and work with all levels of government, public and private agencies and industry to improve the social, educational, economic and employment opportunities for our Community of Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples.
Promote, advance, and foster Aboriginal Rights, Treaty Rights and Aboriginal Title for the benefit of all Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples of Nova Scotia.
Aid and assist off-reserve Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples in Nova Scotia to organize Community affiliate Zones for the purpose of advancing their general living conditions.
Develop, negotiate, manage and administer a wide range of programs, services, initiatives, entities, secretariats and directorates to advance the well-being of our Community.
“Going Forward to a Better Future”
For More Information Contact:
N.C.N.S. Chief and President – Lorraine Augustine
129 Truro Heights Road, P.O. Box 1320,
Truro, N.S. B2N 5N2
Toll Free: 1-800-565-4372
Direct: 902-895-1523
Fax: 902-895-0024