Our Goal:
The Parenting Journey is a home visitation program that provides individual support for families experiencing complex social and emotional
challenges that may impact overall family functioning, parent-child relationships and the well-being and development of children and youth.
How We Help:
Home Visitors visit families in their homes and/or in other community locations. They work collaboratively with families to build meaningful helping relationships while collectively identifying strengths, resources, challenges and priorities to address the key areas of support noted above. Sharing program/services that meet the needs of Aboriginal families

Parenting Journey Facilitator with the NCNS
- Sharing program/services that meet the needs of Aboriginal families
- Connecting Aboriginal families with culturally safe services
- Providing families with current & accurate services and supports
Child/Youth well-being and development
- Using culture & tradition to nurture child/youth development
- Exploring child/youth milestones
- Finding and strengthening supports
- Assist in creating a family plan using the strength of the family
- Connect traditional family practices into current family dynamics
- Encourage active parenting
Family Life Management
- Being with families when faced with difficulties and barriers
- Providing tools and information for programs and grants
- Supporting healthy relationships and healthy lifestyles
- Bridging families with community and cultural resources
- Providing families with information on community events
- Navigating health services and programs
For More Information Contact:
Toll Free: 1-800-565-4372
Website: www.ncns.ca
Truro Office
Kathy Smith
166 Truro Heights Road.
PO Box 1320
Truro, NS B2N 5N2
Email: frc@ncns.ca
Text/Call: 902-324-0515
Office: 902-895-1738
Sydney Office
April Dennis
235 Charlotte St., Unit 1
Sydney, NS B1P 1C4
Email: ncnspjcb@eastlink.ca
Text/Call: 902-567-7729
Office: 902-567-1240
Coldbrook Office
Velma Journeay
11 Opportunity Lane
Coldbrook, NS B4A 0A5
Email: valleypj@ncns.ca
Text/Call: 902-599-0435
Office: 902-679-7138