“What’s Happening in our Community”
Our Goal:
Our Community’s quarterly publication newsletter providing information on the Native Council of Nova Scotia, its programs and services, as well as articles of interest to members, government departments and agencies, industry and interested individuals.
Free to any person who wishes to be included in the Native Council of Nova Scotia’s Taliaq Mi’kma’ki general mailing list.
How We Help:
Provides updates on major issues affecting our Community.
Provides updates on community events and Zone information.
Provides our Community and Native Council of Nova Scotia staff contacts.
Provides advertising space for public and private agencies, departments and industries. If you would like to advertise in the Taliaq Mi’kma’ki which reaches out to over 2800 readers, please feel free to contact us at the information below.
For More Information Contact:
CPPS / Print Plus
172 Truro Heights Road
P.O. Box 1320, Truro, N.S. B2N 5N2
Toll Free: 1-877-565-1752
Direct: 1-902-843-7000
Fax: 1-902-895-8182
email: design@ncns.ca
Website: www.ncns.ca