“Helping to House Off-Reserve Aboriginal People in Nova Scotia”
Our Goal:
To bring existing housing stock in Nova Scotia up to realistic levels of health, safety and durability for off-reserve rural low income Aboriginal homeowners.
Off-reserve low income Aboriginal homeowners living in their own home, having a registered property deed.
Low income Aboriginal homeowners with a yearly total household income at or below program qualification limits.
Low income Aboriginal Homeowners where at least one aspect of the home requires either structural, electrical, heating,
plumbing and/or health and safety repairs, or modifications to make the home more accessible for disabled occupants.
How We Help:
The Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) for Aboriginal homeowners who have not previously received the maximum RRAP assistance.
Emergency Repair Program (ERP) for Aboriginal homeowners intended to fund emergency type repairs that present an immediate health and safety concern to the occupants, and who have not previously received ERP assistance.
For More Information Contact:
Rural and Native Housing Group
Tiffany Miller —RNH Administrative Assistant
email: housingadmin@ncns.ca
Tim Labrador
180 White Point Road, Liverpool, NS
P.O. Box 2028, Liverpool, NS, B0T 1K0
Toll Free: 1-800-565-4372
Direct: 1-902-354-2751
Fax: 1-902-354-2757
email: ncnshousing@eastlink.ca
Website: www.ncns.ca