“Harvesters and Traders of Ocean Quality Seafoods”
Our Goal:
Being the NCNS Community’s Aboriginal communal commercial fisheries management enterprise. Promoting, developing, administering and managing the participation of Aboriginal communal commercial fish harvesters for their economic well-being and self-sufficiency.
The off-reserve Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples of Nova Scotia who want a chance and are prepared to earn a livelihood through involvement and participation in the Aboriginal communal commercial fisheries.
How We Help:
Negotiate for and provide access to commercial fishing licenses, leases and permits, and through the acquisition
of vessels, licenses, gear, equipment and infrastructure.
Undertake identification of NCNS Community commercial fish harvesters’ interests, skills, knowledge, experience,
training needs and types of fisheries throughout all coastal waters of Nova Scotia.
Research and develop NCNS Community commercial fishing strategies: identifying species needs, equipment,
vessel & gear needs, facilities and infrastructure needs, home port and wharfage needs.
Undertake training and human resource development to enhance the capacity of the NCNS Community commercial
fish harvesters to effectively, efficiently and safely participate in the commercial fishing industry for greater
success, employment and economic well-being.
Promote and expand the administration capacity of the NCNS Community’s communal commercial fishing
enterprise to become self-reliant and continue to grow to create greater employment opportunities and greater
participation for NCNS Community members in Aboriginal communal commercial fishing initiatives.
Research, plan and implement an important component of the modern commercial fishing industry – international
trading and marketing of ocean quality seafood.
Negotiate and plan the participation in exploratory and developmental fisheries.
For More Information Contact:
Mime’j Seafoods Limited
Douglas McLeod
172 Truro Heights Road
Truro Heights, N.S. B6L 1X1
Toll Free: 1-877-565-1752
Direct: 1-902-895-7050
Fax: 1-902-895-8182
email: mimej@ncnsnetcomm.ns.ca
Website: www.ncnsnetcomm.ns.ca or www.ncns.ca