“When a Child Dreams, it is only a Dream, but if we Dream together it will become a reality”
Our Goal:
A supportive, culturally empowering and flexible program for off-reserve Mi’kmaq/Aboriginal parents and their children aged 0 to 6 supporting a child’s “Brighter Futures”.
Off-reserve Aboriginal families, parents and their children aged 0-6 province wide in Nova Scotia.
How We Help:
CHIP Facilitators meet with participants to promote the development of Aboriginal Parent Groups to provide guidance,
advice and a link to resources and/or programs that lead to a stronger and brighter future for Aboriginal families and
their children.
CHIP Facilitators work to strengthen the physical, cultural, emotional and spiritual security of the Aboriginal family
unit through access to services like prenatal care, nutrition, parenting skills, recreational facilities and any other
activities or programs that the Aboriginal family or child(ren) may require.
CHIP Facilitators help organize and support the Aboriginal Parent Groups to implement events, workshops, programs
and other activities that the Parent Groups see as needed within their areas.
For More Information Contact:
Website: www.ncns.ca
Truro Office
Regions: Colchester, Cumberland, Pictou, Guysborough, Antigonish, Halifax and Hants Counties
Shirley Denny–Prenatal and CHIP Coordinator for Nova Scotia
166 Truro Heights Road
P.O. Box 1320
Truro, N.S., B2N 5N2
Toll Free: 1-800-565-4372
Direct: 1-902-895-1738
Fax: 1-902-893-7680
email: ncnsprenatal@eastlink.ca
Sydney Office
Regions: Cape Breton, Richmond and Victoria Counties
Victoria Fraser- C.H.I.P Facilitator
235 Charlotte Street. Unit 1
PO Box 813
Sydney, N.S., B1P 6J1
Direct: 1-902-567-1240
Fax: 1-902-564-1123
email: cbchip@eastlink.ca
Liverpool Office
Regions: Kings, Queens, Lunenburg, Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth and Shelburne Counties
Grace Conrad- C.H.I.P Facilitator
180 White Point Road
Liverpool, N.S., B0T 1K0
Direct: 1-902-354-2751
Fax: 1-902-354-2757
email: ncnschip2@eastlink.ca